Find Your Ikiguide Workshops
Is your life at a crossroads? Are you looking for clarity? What is your next meaningful step?
Ikiguide is a self-discovery and purpose-finding experience facilitated by Nihal Ahmed, a global educator and experience designer. The workshop will bring you clarity on who you are, where you want to go and how to get there through a series of meaningful questions, stories, and tasks.
Workshop Chapters
What you're good at
What you love
Who you truly are
What is your purpose
Life Manifesto - Design your life

Key Takeaways
Plan your growth and leadership journey.
Build a purposeful organization.
Build a life-plan to manage your time and energy.
Build a life manifesto.
Create better work-life balance, be energized and build meaningful relationships
FIND YOUR IKIGAI workshops are designed for creators, business leaders, and creative teams, and anyone interested in finding their purpose and clarity on their next meaningful step.
Please send in your enquiries to hello@theikiguide.com